
The automation team at Tooling Dynamics was formed to provide continual improvement, innovation, and technical support. Members of the team work on new ideas and solutions that affect productivity, safety, and value of our products. Custom building machinery and equipment inside the production facility allows us to add features to our machines specific to the products they are applied to, yet versatile enough to be quickly modified and adjusted to suit different applications.

In line visual inspection of products is an important part of any modern stamping facility. The automation team builds custom reeling machines and packagers with automated vision systems attached directly to the packaging line. This helps us keep damaged parts out of the finished product before shipping, and also acts as a tool to help keep critical dimensions within customer specified tolerance. Our vision systems feature multiple camera use, backlight or frontal lighting capability, surface condition inspection, and the ability to inspect all ranges of parts we produce.

Automated packaging for our products allows us to reduce production costs, and pass these costs onto the customer. The team has developed custom packaging machines for various different sizes and configurations of products and packaging mediums. There is a specific focus on eliminating expensive hand packaging jobs for intricately packed loose parts, and replacing these processes with automated ones. We are also capable of designing custom assembly machines to produce newly developed assembled products at competitive speeds.

Existing equipment is under constant re-evaluation from the automation team. We have developed upgrades and replacements for some of the older technology to add new engineering features and better sustainability for future use and development. Using advanced control system principles we are able to greatly increase reliability and performance of machines and processes, as well as allow for continuous and simple improvement and adaptability of equipment.

Every project is specifically selected and designed for the task at hand. The automation concept and cost analysis begins with samples of our product, as well as a detailed look at the full production process. Then we design the necessary machinery and controls to best suit the exact needs of the customer, in the most cost effective method.